Grillo from Mary Taylor

“…here is yet another reason why I have been so taken with the Mary Taylor 
line of European country wines over the last several months.”

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In my continuing quest to find new (to me, at least) wines imported by Mary Taylor, I stopped in to Westborn Market in Berkley a few days ago, to see if Beverage Manager Steve Rapson was stocking anything that I haven’t had a chance to try yet. Steve seems to be as big a fan of MT Wine as I am, and sure enough, he has the white counterpart to the red Sicilian I reviewed last month displayed well-stocked in the department. I used to enjoy Grillo back in a previous life in retail, when it played a role in a revolving cast of dry whites I brought home, including Albarinho, Muscadet, Vermentino and Arneis. It’s been quite a while since I last had one of these, so for that reason, I was even more intrigued by what might be in this bottle. 
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