Three from Mary Taylor Wines

“Definitely a 2nd glass kind o’ wine for this taster, and maybe a 3rd glass too.”

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I guess I haven’t been paying attention lately, because I only found out about Mary Taylor Wines a few weeks ago. Mary Taylor is a negociant who specializes in importing “the kind of honest, authentic wines that the Europeans have been enjoying for centuries.” These are “wines of place,” sourced from classic European wine regions and made by specific winemakers from each. They are the kinds of wines that I have come to favor over the years, and based on the three noted here, I’ll definitely be looking for more of them. There are more than 30; you can read about them on her website, as well as Ms. Taylor’s philosophy that drives her business model.

My introduction to Mary Taylor Wines came a few weeks ago, during a stop at York Ann Arbor, formerly known as Morgan and York. After our friend and colleague Chaad Thomas shared some background information about the following selection, I had to pick one up and see what it was all about. Man, am I glad I did.
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