A Tasty Beaujolais-Villages

“The more I sip, the more I like.”

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I think I may have found a new favorite not-quite-everyday wine.

The funny thing is, I looked at this one on the shelf at Westborn Market in Berkley for at least a month before I finally decided to take a chance and give it a try. I’ve enjoyed more than a few Nicolas Potel wines over the years, but they were all red Burgundies, for which this producer is best known. Finally, I reasoned that they would probably treat Gamay in essentially the same manner, with the same “house style,” as they do Pinot Noir, and that is exactly what I found here. What’s more, there’s a goodly amount of this available, so Westborn Beverage Manager Steve Rapson must like it, and I have come to trust his judgment in matters such as this. Continue reading